Friday, September 17, 2010

Chocolate, David Letterman and Toy Story 3!


I told you I was the Chocolate Chugging Champion and I wasn't lying!!! Okay, so this picture looks more daunting than it actually is. 3 of us split 2 cans. Unfortunately this is the only picture I have...I really wanted to show you my victory stance, but alas, we shall have to save that for another day!

I haven't blogged all week, so I feel like it's time for a play by play to summarize my days.
Monday: I blogged, go read it.
Tuesday: I had a test on Wednesday...but just kinda glanced at it. I was so exhausted. Finally got money to eat!!!
Wednesday: Test went bad. Clinic went wonderful. My roommate was in such a pissy mood that I kind of just avoided her for the majority of the day.
Thursday: I worked with said roommate. Much better day, except for everyone else at work was annoying her now. Haha! I also received the 5th season of How I Met Your I wasn't very social.
Friday: Oh that's today!

So for some reason I thought I had to be at work at 7 this morning...but I was wrong. There are two kinds of wrong. Good wrong and bad wrong. Good wrong would be I thought I had to work at 7 but in actuality I didn't have to work until later. The bad wrong is when you thought you had to work at 7 and actually had to work earlier. Which do you think I did? If you guessed the bad were right! Fortunately the manager of my section didn't care so much that I was late. PHEW! Demotion averted!

In other news...David Letterman is coming to my school tonight along with the co-founder of twitter and also xanga (I don't remember his name). Did you guys used to have a xanga? I did! Back in high school...early middle school, something like that. That was my first blog. I'm much better at managing this one than that one luckily for you! Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of David Letterman. I know a lot of people are. We even have a David Letterman building here! I mean, that's probably because he is an alumni, but regardless I don't know much of what he does. So the point is that those two are going to be talking about social media and my friend just got us tickets to go. I'm pretty excited. Then we're going to see the free Friday night movie, which just happens to be Toy Story 3! I've never seen it before, but I've heard really good things about it. Tell me your reviews if you've seen it, but no spoilers!!!

Alright...I'm off to watch more How I Met Your Mother. :)


  1. A girl after my heart! I love HIMYM! It's honestly one of my favorite shows EVER! :)
    I don't like letterman too ;)

  2. Hey! :D I'm the Hufflepuff nerdfighter you contacted through tumblr. This is bizarre... but I'm pretty sure we go to the same school. Because Letterman is coming to MY school tonight to talk with Biz Stone, and I am going. And then my roommate and I are going to Pruis to see Toy Story 3. So... BSU? o_O What a really weird coincidence, haha.
