Saturday, August 28, 2010

Embrace the Change

Readers.  I apologize.  My last two posts have just not been me.  I've been in a funk.  Depressed and moody.  People go through these emotions, but they aren't ones I like to blog about.  Because at one point in my life I'm going to look back on all these blogs.  I don't want my impression of myself to be "Wow...what a bore." or "Couldn't I stop complaining for one moment and see the good in life?"  So that's what I'm doing!  My life really IS wonderful and I don't need to be focused on the bad.  Yes, it's been a bad week for obvious reasons, but that doesn't have to define me as a person...that being said...onto happier thoughts!

So I don't know how many of you know this about me, but I love youtube!  There's been a discussion on youtube lately about how much it's changed from when it first started to now.  When youtube first took off it was acceptable to just sit in front of your camera and talk.  The point was who could be the funniest without trying hard?  Editing could be crappy.  Nobody cared about that.  Now it's shifted into...who can do the coolest effects and entertain you in under 3 minutes? It's constantly changing! Well I'm really bad at the new youtube and really good at the old youtube!  Doesn't really help much does it?

That being said, I am still really proud of one particular video me and my best friend in high school made.  It's my favorite by far!  It's to the theme of Gilligan's Island.  We were just being fun and silly.  So today I've posted that video underneath for your enjoyment!

Aaaaaand then I switched to videos like this...which I'm not very proud of to say the least...but it's not completely terrible.

My point being that times and interests change quite often.  Both videos are vastly different!  They both have good qualities...and bad qualities.  But the thing is...they are both me!  I really can't say I like one version of me better because these are two stages in my life that are 2 years apart.  Both have led me to who I am today.  I change just like everything else in the world, whether I like it or not.  I can either sulk and complain about how much I hate change and blah blah blah...or embrace them and become a better person because of it!  I don't know about you, but I chose the latter.

P.S.  Off topic.  But I found this video of Esther.  She was also very into Youtube.  She recorded this a week and a half before she passed away.  I want to remember this forever.  She was silly, brave, inspiring...but she reminded us she also is emotional and human and makes mistakes.  Please watch some of Esther's last words.  They are touching.

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