Friday, October 8, 2010

The opposite sex

I think this is becoming only on Fridays. Sorry I can't be more consistant than that! My week is pretty hectic! And of course I leave the weekends for fun and work. Mostly fun though...

Quick side story: It's homecoming week at my school, which means lots of parties, and Mickey came in last night completely drunk. She usually has a high tolerance for alcohol, but she apparently can't hold her shots. I found her at 5:30 this morning (when I got up for work) completely sprawled on her bed and passed out. She couldn't even change her clothes. She was still feeling it when she came to class this morning at 11. Haha! My poor roommate :) I love her, even though she's not the brightest person sometimes. Ah well, I guess we all have to let go a little bit now and then.

Now onto what I really want to talk to you about!

I think both girls and guys alike can agree that the opposite sex is quite confusing and frustrating at times! No matter how many books we read about them or questions we ask, there is still no sure way of understanding the opposite sex, because they are all uniquely different and complex!

I will admit that I am a complicated person. I don't even understand my emotions sometimes! So I pity the guy who falls in love with me. He must be a saint. Or nonexistent. That's probably why I haven't met him yet. :)

But in all seriousness, I consider myself to be a good people reader. If my friends are having boy problems, I can usually pick up on his body language and help my friend out. It's happened on several occasions. But when my own heart is involved, I'm completely clueless to the what this guy is thinking. How does that even work!?

I'm not going to get into the personal details too much here. I like my friends to keep their anonymity because they don't really have a say in how much about them goes up on the internet, but I do. And if I do use my friends in stories, their names are always changed. The gist of the story is that I have a couple guys interested in me who are just really great friends, and nothing more going on there. If that's not frustrating enough, I'm also on the other side too. I'm the interested one, and still nothing going on there! It takes two people! And it would really help if he didn't flirt with other girls in front of me as I'm trying to make that transition to not care about him so much. BAH!

Questions for commenters: How are you with the opposite sex? Can you read them well or have you just given up trying? Also if you have any advice that would be more than welcomed. :)

Commenter shout-out time!

Mia: Yup, Late Nite is pretty fantastic! Thanks for the follow!
Sweta: Mmmm, how could I forget popcorn? That's a good light snack. Haha! Nope, Judy's still kicking!!
Cole Garret
: Oh yeah...Eat great even late :) That's always a good choice!


  1. Well, I have to say I have very good instincts about guys. I look at them and know they like me. But this only applies to the ones that I like back. Of course the ones that I don't, I eventually pick up on. But I don't know how to explain it...

    I know they like me and I know something is going to happened. Usually that "something" is not a whole lot, but I just know. And when that happenes, I'll wait. I don't rush it or anything because again, "I know".

    In fact, my boyfriend now, who is my first real relationship, I actually knew I would be in a relationship with him. Freaky, right? I wish I could offer advice but I don't even understand how I know these things. Good luck with everything! Keep us update!

    xo ananstasia b

  2. I'm the same way! My friends call me the match maker because I can tell what they are both thinking and get them together. But I can never tell when a boy likes me. On the rare occasion I do, it's way too late and he's got someone else now. :P

  3. Longtime reader, first time writer! (That sounds a lot cooler on the radio, sorry...)

    Anyway, I like talking about the opposite sex, mostly because I grew up with a majority of boys. So if I needed, help, I'd just talk to them. They are waaaaay easier to talk to and also more relaxed about things like relationships, so even just talking to them has helped me in the dating world.

    Mind you, this all happened when I was in my formidable years, and having since grown up a bit, I'm still pretty muffled by those without vaginas. Although, hell, I'm still confused about reading those WITH vaginas.

    As for advice (granted, I know this is coming from a stranger, but whatever, I like to help!), maybe just keep things slow. It's probably obvious that you like him, and maybe he just needs time to get used to that idea? Guys get freaked out easily, so he may just need some process time. Take things slowwwly. In my personal experience, that usually helps. But! Don't stop flirting and being nice to him. Oddly enough, guys like that almost more than girls do.

    If you happen to find someone else, go for him. You want what you deserve, so if someone is willing to take a chance on you, maybe you should take a chance on him?

    Ok, hopping off the soapbox. Love your posts, mostly because they make me laugh :)

    Good luck with boys!
